Above The Shadows | Official Reveal Trailer (PC Game)

Above The Shadows | Official Reveal Trailer (PC Game)

440 , 4.33 , #Shadows #Official #Reveal #Trailer #Game

Every new day holds a promise. A mirage this city painted for us all… but yet every day, thousands continue to visit Arcadia. The world’s metropolis for technological advancements. Few go against the corporate policies, and the ones who do are never seen from again. Technology was no longer focused on consumers but rather to keep watch on our every move. The American dream for many was quickly forgotten. Erased from our minds. People tell me to get back in reality. The truth is, I’d rather create the reality I live in than be at the will of somebody else’s.

Above The Shadows is a futuristic open-world parkour game inspired by Cyberpunk 2077 and Mirrors Edge. Fight your way past guards, security drones, and an oppressive government watch. Sneak across roofs through various illegal jobs and don’t get caught. Can you gain back personal freedom for the rest of humanity moving forward? Or forever be hunted down constantly by corporation and government watch?

Disclaimer: This is a solo project and is still in the alpha stage of development. More updates will occur across the following months. Check out the official reddit page for devlogs and changes happening each week!

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Thank you to everyone who has supported my project so far, special thanks to Kimi for the trailer voiceover!

More details on the game coming soon along with longer explanations of the project and goals for this videogame.


Nguồn: https://game5s.net/

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