This Insane Hack And Slash Game Looks Absolutely Stunning

This Insane Hack And Slash Game Looks Absolutely Stunning

34911 , 4.87 , #Insane #Hack #Slash #Game #Absolutely #Stunning

Whatever Project DT ends up being, it’s pretty clear that it’s going to have a heavy focus on fast and stylish action, and a lot of visual eye candy. This is something that we should really be expecting of any major action game at this point, but Project DT also seems to want to put its own spin on things with a darker, more somber, dystopian setting, and a focus on hand-to-hand combat as opposed to the hacking and slashing that we see in most other action games of this type.

Although hopefully the main character’s moveset does end up being expanded by alternate combat styles or maybe different weapons, what we’ve been shown so far does seem to indicate that the developer behind-the-wheel knows exactly what they’re doing and is well on their way to making a really fun action game.


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