🥔 Live 🥔 Gamedev 🥔 #2 – Python / Pygame

🥔 Live 🥔 Gamedev 🥔 #2 – Python / Pygame

4097 , 4.97 , #Live #Gamedev #Python #Pygame

pls read FAQ below… If you ask a question that’s answered in the FAQ, I probably won’t answer.

I read chat periodically. If I read and answer every question, I wouldn’t be able to do anything else, so I may not answer your question here. If it’s Python/Pygame related, feel free to ask in my Discord server where other people can help.

Q: What are you making?
A: A combat mechanics experiment for the devlog project.

Q: Is this Pygame?
A: Yes

Q: Why use Python/Pygame instead of an engine or another library?
A: I can write game logic much faster with Python than I can with other languages.

Q: What IDE are you using and why?
A: Atom or IDLE depending on the project. The editor you use doesn’t matter much (unless it’s Pycharm since it’s known to confuse beginners).

Q: Where can I learn Python/Pygame?
A: Python: Pygame: My channel

Q: How old are you?
A: 19

⭐ Kite is a free AI-powered coding assistant that will help you code faster and smarter. The Kite plugin integrates with all the top editors and IDEs to give you smart completions and documentation while you’re typing. I’ve been using Kite for a bit and it’s saved me a lot of time!

Nguồn: https://game5s.net/

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