Battle of Guagamela vs APE 2/17/2021

Battle of Guagamela vs APE 2/17/2021

1262 , 4.89 , #Battle #Guagamela #APE

As an aside: I watched the APE stream. I heard a lot of bitterness, I think largely due to misunderstandings. Here are some clarifications:

1) Member chat is something for a different type of video (Q&A member videos that are for members to get extra support but anyone can watch). I wasn’t planning on streaming, so I forgot to disable this. Chat isn’t supposed to be locked. ;( Joining the YouTube channel is NOT a requirement to participate in chat etc. It’s just an option that exists for people that want to support the channel to do so.

2) I commented in general about turtling pre-rein groups (you know them when you come across them). GOM dislikes pre-reins try to avoid it. There were certainly some pre-reins at points in the battlefield, though many of the “reins” you saw going into keeps and just sitting there for long periods of time were people putting trash and trying to get general experience (or possibly they went afk?). We don’t do this, and I was not certainly not accusing APE as doing that either. Weird how that was even an interpretation. On the contrary, I talked about how impressed I was by APE’s communication and playstyle and that I wished we could put up more of a fight to make it more fun for them. It’s not a great time of the day for most of our player to be active participants. Many just joined and then had to afk. It’s hard to run any rallies with 2-4 semi-active people.

3) I did ghost some cavalry to keep them as usable troops. Normally, there’s no need to ghost as they’d be used up in cav rallies…but with no opportunity to rally, I used them as reins when others were being hit. When you commented on my cav being missing that was because they were mostly dead. 😀

4) Kudos to APE. You are a great team, and I commend your teamwork. At several spots in the stream, I actually encourage viewers to also watch your stream as a great learning opportunity for alliance teamwork and communication. It’s unfortunate that there was a lot of negativity on the other side of the battlefield, but hopefully I was able to clear up some of the salt in the air. /shrug

Regardless, here is a stream that depicts excellent teamwork that I do encourage my subs to watch. It’s the same BoG from the APE perspective which serves as a great model for setting up rallies, fakes, etc:

Informal live streaming of BoG 2/17/2021.
BoC and BoG are great opportunities to answer questions related to the battlefields. Join the stream to be able to participate in live chat!


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