Block-tercept: A new MCOC Skill to learn!

Block-tercept: A new MCOC Skill to learn!

10153 , 4.88 , #Blocktercept #MCOC #Skill #learn

For the last year I’ve been working on this skill and I’m now at the point where I feel I should share it to help the community.
Essentially you hit into the opponent’s block but slow down your combo so that they will retaliate with a light/medium which you will punish, or with a special which you will Dex.

Enjoy the video, any questions please ask.

Helps in lots of situation such as:
– Close encounters to keep up the regen
– Aggression: fury to cut down on block damage
– Passive AI
– AI not throwing specials meaning you’re backed up into your corner. Block-tercepting keeps them backup up in THEIR corner instead and increases their likelihood to throw a special if baiting isn’t working.
– Rogue to maintain buffs


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