GME Stock GameStop Short Squeeze, Fidelity Is Holding The Line

GME Stock GameStop Short Squeeze, Fidelity Is Holding The Line

16563 , 4.93 , #GME #Stock #GameStop #Short #Squeeze #Fidelity #Holding #Line

Fidelity is Holding the vast majority of their $1 billion position in GameStop stock as noted by the recent Form 13-d filing. Blackrock increased their position in GME stock to 13.3%, and RC Ventures owns a 12.9% stake that appears to not be taken into account on Yahoo finance. Because of these major institutions holding their positions through the GME peak as well as major holders that appear to have not been taken into account, I believe that the institutional ownership of GME is likely higher than the 122% listed on Yahoo finance. Regardless of the short data on Tuesday, I think GME has serious potential. If it is reported to still be more than 100% short interest, I think we will soon after see a short squeeze of unrivaled proportion.

If Fidelity has diamond hands, then so do I! GME to the Moon!**


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