$GME's shorts are going bankrupt! The squeeze will happen.

$GME's shorts are going bankrupt! The squeeze will happen.

39672 , 4.90 , #GME39s #shorts #bankrupt #squeeze #happen

7 Feb 21. I am not a financial advisor. I am not related or affiliated with any professional firm. Everything said in this video is solely my opinion. I am currently a STUDENT, not a financial advisor or financial professional! Please, do not mistake anything I say in this video to be financial advice. I am not advocating for the buying or selling of anything.

In this video I break down dollar cost average of the short positions held in GME. TLDR: Shorts are MOSTLY put on at a $15-18 DCA. The squeeze will happen.

Again, I am not a professional! There are MANY people that know so much more than myself. Have a wonderful day!


Nguồn: https://game5s.net/

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