INTER ESPORTS | HIGHLIGHTS XBOX FIFA GLOBAL SERIES | Pedro wins South American Qualifier 3! ????⚫????????

INTER ESPORTS | HIGHLIGHTS XBOX FIFA GLOBAL SERIES | Pedro wins South American Qualifier 3! ????⚫????????

6235 , 4.92 , #INTER #ESPORTS #HIGHLIGHTS #XBOX #FIFA #GLOBAL #SERIES #Pedro #wins #South #American #Qualifier

Last weekend was an amazing one. There was the South American Qualifier 3, where Pedro made it to the finals. And, in a big battle with the four best players in South America on the Xbox One, he enjoyed glory. That is by far our biggest story of the week. Ahead of the weekend, Pedro was already full of confidence. A few weeks ago, he secured FIFAe Club World Cup Qualification with his teammate Luca. But now it was time for a personal victory in the FIFA 21 Global Series South American Qualifier 3. He was there with the eight best players in South America and did amazingly well. Pedro started off with a great win against fellow Brazilian player Lil weasel3865. After that, it was a closer battle against Longaray, another Brazilian, but he managed to emerge victorious. In the semi-final, he had a difficult task against Argentine player Valen. The first match ended in a draw, but he secured a place in the final with a victory in the second fixture. In that final, he enjoyed another battle with Valen, who won in the Loser Bracket. The first game of that final finished with a 2-0 win for Valen. After a 1-1 draw in the second match, a second final was required (the player from the Loser Bracket has to win twice). It was all on the line for our Pedro, but he delivered. In the first match, he was on his game and came away with a 2-0 win. The second goal came in the 83rd minute, much to his delight. With that victory secured, he was ready for the next one. In the 20th minute, he was awarded a penalty. He kept his cool, scored and, from that moment, it was clear that he would hold on to the final victory. Congratulations! #InterEsports ????⚫????????

Weekend da incorniciare per Pedro Resende, che si è qualificato per le finali nelle Qualificazioni 3 in Sud America. Su XBox Pedro ha affrontato i migliori giocatori del Sud America e ha battuto l’argentino ValenMzz. Pedro è reduce da un periodo d’oro. Qualche settimana fa si era assicurato la qualificazione alla FIFAe Club World Cup in coppia con Luca. Ora la conquista delle Global Series nelle Qualificazioni 3, di fronte ai migliori giocatori. Il suo percorso in questa competizione è stato esaltante. Il primo successo è arrivato contro il brasiliano Lil weasel3865. Poi un altro derby, nel confronto contro Longaray, in una battaglia ben più serrata. In semifinale se l’è giocata con l’argentino Valen: pareggio nel primo match, poi la vittoria che lo ha spedito in finale, dove ha affrontato di nuovo Valen (vincitore del Loser Bracket). La finale si è aperta con una vittoria per 2-0 per Valen, poi 1-1 nel secondo match: necessario un terzo scontro, dal momento che chi arriva dal loser bracket deve vincere due volte per conquistare il titolo. Pedro ha risposto alla grande, vincendo 2-0. Con questa vittoria in tasca ha poi dominato anche l’altra sfida, 3-1, chiudendo con il successo finale! #InterEsports ????⚫????????

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