The Stock Game: GameStop | WallStreetBets | Robinhood

The Stock Game: GameStop | WallStreetBets | Robinhood

93 , 5.00 , #Stock #Game #GameStop #WallStreetBets #Robinhood
The Stock Game: GameStop | WallStreetBets | Robinhood
It was a wild ride for the market fueled by the Reddit Group, WallStreetBets, squeezing the market and taking it to the hedge funds. This was unprecedented and has set the stage for a David Goliath battle that is sure to continue into the foreseeable future.
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In the end gamestop went hit $483, Melvin capital hedge fund lost $4.5 Billion or 53% of their fund vale, Robinhood was sued, federal regulators are investigating market manipulation the financial world was set ablaze by the short squeeze felt around the world!
#MMOYT #Gamestop #wallstreetbets


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